Manual on Road Traffic Engineering Facilities

Manual on Road Traffic Engineering Facilities



Section 2I.01 Sizes of General Service Signs

01 Except as provided in Section 2A.11, the sizes of General Service signs that have a standardized design shall be as shown in Table 2I-1.

Table 2I-1. General Service Sign and Plaque Sizes
Sign or Plaque Sign Designation Section Conventional Road Freeway or Expressway
Rest Area XX Miles D5-1 2I.05 66 x 36* 96 x 54*
Rest Area Next Right D5-1a 2I.05 78 x 36* 120 x 60* (F)
114 x 48* (E)
Rest Area (with arrow) D5-2 2I.05 66 x 36* 96 x 54*
Rest Area Gore D5-2a 2I.05 42 x 48* 78 x 78* (F)
66 x 72* (E)
Rest Area (with horizontal arrow) D5-5 2I.05 42 x 48*
Next Rest Area XX Miles D5-6 2I.05 60 x 48* 90 x 72*
Rest Area Tourist Info Center XX Miles D5-7 2I.08 90 x 72* 114 x 102* (F)
132 x 96* (E)
Rest Area Tourist Info Center (with arrow) D5-8 2I.08 84 x 72* 120 x 102* (F)
120 x 96* (E)
Rest Area Tourist Info Center Next Right D5-11 2I.08 90 x 72* 144 x 102* (F)
132 x 96* (E)
Interstate Oasis D5-12 2I.04 156 x 78
Interstate Oasis (plaque) D5-12P 2I.04 114 x 48
Brake Check Area XX Miles D5-13 2I.06 84 x 48 126 x 72
Brake Check Area (with arrow) D5-14 2I.06 78 x 60 96 x 72
Chain-Up Area XX Miles D5-15 2I.07 66 x 48 96 x 72
Chain-Up Area (with arrow) D5-16 2I.07 72 x 54 96 x 66
Telephone D9-1 2I.02 24 x 24 30 x 30
Hospital D9-2 2I.02 24 x 24 30 x 30
Camping D9-3 2I.02 24 x 24 30 x 30
Trailer Camping D9-3a 2I.02 24 x 24 30 x 30
Litter Container D9-4 2I.02 24 x 30 36 x 48
Handicapped D9-6 2I.02 24 x 24 30 x 30
Van Accessible (plaque) D9-6P 2I.02 18 x 9
Gas D9-7 2I.02 24 x 24 30 x 30
Food D9-8 2I.02 24 x 24 30 x 30
Lodging D9-9 2I.02 24 x 24 30 x 30
Tourist Information D9-10 2I.02 24 x 24 30 x 30
Diesel Fuel D9-11 2I.02 24 x 24 30 x 30
Alternative Fuel - Compressed Natural Gas D9-11a 2I.02 24 x 24 30 x 30
Electric Vehicle Charging D9-11b 2I.02 24 x 24 30 x 30
Electric Vehicle Charging (plaque) D9-11bP 2I.02 24 x 18 30 x 24
Alternative Fuel - Ethanol D9-11c 2I.02 24 x 24 30 x 30
RV Sanitatary Station D9-12 2I.02 24 x 24 30 x 30
Emergency Medical Services D9-13 2I.02 24 x 24 30 x 30
Hospital (plaque) D9-13aP 2I.02 24 x 12 30 x 12
Ambulance Station (plaque) D9-13bP 2I.02 24 x 12 30 x 15
Emergency Medical Care (plaque) D9-13cP 2I.02 24 x 18 30 x 24
Trauma Center (plaque) D9-13dP 2I.02 24 x 12 30 x 15
Police D9-14 2I.02 24 x 24 30 x 30
Propane Gas D9-15 2I.02 24 x 24 30 x 30
Truck Parking D9-16 2I.02 24 x 24 30 x 30
Next Services XX Miles (plaque) D9-17P 2I.02 102 x 24 156 x 30
General Services (up to 6 symbols) D9-18 2I.03 96 x 60
General Services D9-18a 2I.03 96 x 60
General Services (up to 6 symbols) with
Action or Exit Information
D9-18b 2I.03 108 x 84 132 x 114 (F)
132 x 108 (E)
General Services with Action or Exit Information D9-18c 2I.03 72 x 60** 132 x 108** (F)
108 x 84** (E)
Pharmacy D9-20 2I.02 24 x 24 30 x 30
24-Hour (plaque) D9-20aP 2I.02 24 x 12 30 x 12
Telecommunication Device for the Deaf D9-21 2I.05 24 x 24 30 x 30
Wireless Internet D9-22 2I.05 24 x 24 30 x 30
Weather Information D12-1 2I.09 84 x 48 132 x 84
Carpool Information D12-2 2I.11 60 x 42 96 x 66
Channel 9 Monitored D12-3 2I.09 84 x 48 132 x 84
Emergency Call 911 D12-4 2I.09 66 x 30 96 x 48
Travel Info Call 511 (pictograph) D12-5 2I.10 42 x 60 66 x 78
Travel Info Call 511 D12-5a 2I.10 48 x 36 66 x 48

* The size shown is for a sign with a REST AREA and/or TOURIST INFO CENTER legend. The size
should be appropriately adjusted if an alternate legend is used.

** The size shown is for a sign with four lines of services. The size should be appropriately adjusted depending on the amount of legend displayed.


  1. Larger signs may be used when appropriate.
  2. Dimensions in inches are shown as width x height
  3. Where two sizes are shown, the larger size is for freeways (F) and the smaller size is for
    expressways (E)

02 Section 2A.11 contains information regarding the applicability of the various columns in Table 2I-1.

03 Signs larger than those shown in Table 2I-1 may be used (see Section 2A.11).

Section 2I.02 General Service Signs for Conventional Roads

01 On conventional roads, commercial services such as gas, food, and lodging generally are within sight and are available to the road user at reasonably frequent intervals along the route. Consequently, on this class of road there usually is no need for special signs calling attention to these services. Moreover, General Service signing is usually not required in urban areas except for hospitals, law enforcement assistance, tourist information centers, and camping.

02 General Service signs (see Figure 2I-1) may be used where such services are infrequent and are found only on an intersecting highway or crossroad.

Figure 2I-1 General Service Signs and Plaques

Thumbnail image of Figure 2I-1

03 All General Service signs and supplemental sign panels shall have white letters, symbols, arrows, and borders on a blue background.

04 General Service signs should be installed at a suitable distance in advance of the turn-off point or intersecting highway.

05 States that elect to provide General Service signing should establish a statewide policy or warrant for its use, and criteria for the availability of services. Local jurisdictions electing to use such signing should follow State policy for the sake of uniformity.

06 Individual States may sign for whatever alternative fuels are available at appropriate locations.

07 General Service signs, if used at intersections, shall be accompanied by a directional message.

08 The Advance Turn (M5 series) or Directional Arrow (M6 series) auxiliary signs with white arrows on blue backgrounds as shown in Figure 2I-1 may be used with General Service symbol signs to create a General Service Directional Assembly.

09 The General Service sign legends may be either symbols or word messages.

10 Symbols and word message General Service legends shall not be intermixed on the same sign. The Pharmacy (D9-20) sign shall only be used to indicate the availability of a pharmacy that is open, with a State-licensed pharmacist present and on duty, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, and that is located within 3 miles of an interchange on the Federal-aid system. The D9-20 sign shall have a 24 HR (D9-20aP) plaque mounted below it.

11 Formats for displaying different combinations of these services are described in Section 2I.03.

12 If the distance to the next point at which services are available is 10 miles or more, a NEXT SERVICES XX MILES (D9-17P) plaque (see Figure 2I-2) may be installed below the General Service sign.

Figure 2I-2 Example of Next Services Plaque

Thumbnail image of Figure 2I-2

13 The International Symbol of Accessibility for the Handicapped (D9-6) sign may be used beneath General Service signs where paved ramps and rest room facilities accessible to, and usable by, the physically handicapped are provided.

14 When the D9-6 sign is used in accordance with Paragraph 13, and van-accessible parking is available at the facility, a VAN ACCESSIBLE (D9-6P) plaque (see Figure 2I-1) should be mounted below the D9-6 sign.

15 The Recreational Vehicle Sanitary Station (D9-12) sign may be used as needed to indicate the availability of facilities designed for the use of dumping wastes from recreational vehicle holding tanks.

16 The Litter Container (D9-4) sign may be placed in advance of roadside turnouts or rest areas, unless it distracts the driver's attention from other more important regulatory, warning, or directional signs.

17 The Emergency Medical Services (D9-13) symbol sign may be used to identify medical service facilities that have been included in the Emergency Medical Services system under a signing policy developed by the State and/or local highway agency.

18 The Emergency Medical Services symbol sign shall not be used to identify services other than qualified hospitals, ambulance stations, and qualified free-standing emergency medical treatment centers. If used, the Emergency Medical Services symbol sign shall be supplemented by a sign identifying the type of service provided.

19 The Emergency Medical Services symbol sign may be used above the HOSPITAL (D9-13a) sign or Hospital (D9-2) symbol sign or above a sign with the legend AMBULANCE STATION (D9-13b), EMERGENCY MEDICAL CARE (D9-13c), or TRAUMA CENTER (D9-13d). The Emergency Medical Services symbol sign may also be used to supplement Telephone (D9-1), Channel 9 Monitored (D12-3), or POLICE (D9-14) signs.

20 The legend EMERGENCY MEDICAL CARE shall not be used for services other than qualified free-standing emergency medical treatment centers.

21 Each State should develop guidelines for the implementation of the Emergency Medical Services symbol sign.

22 The State should consider the following guidelines in the preparation of its policy:

    1. 24-hour service, 7 days per week.
    2. Staffed by two State-certified persons trained at least to the basic level.
    3. Vehicular communications with a hospital emergency department.
    4. Operator should have successfully completed an emergency-vehicle operator training course.
    1. 24-hour service, 7 days per week.
    2. Emergency department facilities with a physician (or emergency care nurse on duty within the emergency department with a physician on call) trained in emergency medical procedures on duty.
    3. Licensed or approved for definitive medical care by an appropriate State authority.
    4. Equipped for radio voice communications with ambulances and other hospitals.
  3. Channel 9 Monitored
    1. Provided by either professional or volunteer monitors.
    2. Available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
    3. The service should be endorsed, sponsored, or controlled by an appropriate government authority to guarantee the level of monitoring.

Section 2I.03 General Service Signs for Freeways and Expressways

01 General Service (D9-18 series) signs (see Figure 2I-3) are generally not appropriate at major interchanges (see definition in Section 2E.32) and in urban areas.

Figure 2I-3 Examples of General Service Signs with and without Exit Numbering

Thumbnail image of Figure 2I-3

02 General Service signs shall have white letters, symbols, arrows, and borders on a blue background. Letter and numeral sizes shall comply with the minimum requirements of Tables 2E-2 through 2E-5. All approved symbols shall be permitted as alternatives to word messages, but symbols and word service messages shall not be intermixed. If the services are not visible from the ramp of a single-exit interchange, the service signing shall be repeated in smaller size at the intersection of the exit ramp and the crossroad. Such service signs shall use arrows to indicate the direction to the services.

03 For numbered interchanges, the exit number may be incorporated within the sign legend (D9-18b) or displayed on an Exit Number (E1-5P) plaque (see Section 2E.31).

04 Distance to services should be displayed on General Service signs where distances are more than 1 mile.

05 General Service signing should only be provided at locations where the road user can return to the freeway or expressway and continue in the same direction of travel.

06 Only services that fulfill the needs of the road user should be displayed on General Service signs. If State or local agencies elect to provide General Service signing, there should be a statewide policy for such signing and criteria for the availability of the various types of services. The criteria should consider the following:

  1. Gas, Diesel, LP Gas, EV Charging, and/or other alternative fuels if all of the following are available:
    1. Vehicle services such as gas, oil, and water;
    2. Modern sanitary facilities and drinking water;
    3. Continuous operations at least 16 hours per day, 7 days per week; and
    4. Public telephone.
  2. Food if all of the following are available:
    1. Licensing or approval, where required;
    2. Continuous operation to serve at least two meals per day, at least 6 days per week;
    3. Public telephone; and
    4. Modern sanitary facilities.
  3. Lodging if all of the following are available:
    1. Licensing or approval, where required;
    2. Adequate sleeping accommodations;
    3. Public telephone; and
    4. Modern sanitary facilities.
  4. Public Telephone if continuous operation, 7 days per week is available.
  5. Hospital if continuous emergency care capability, with a physician on duty 24 hours per day, 7 days per week is available. A physician on duty would include the following criteria and should be signed in accordance with the priority as follows:
    1. Physician on duty within the emergency department;
    2. Registered nurse on duty within the emergency department, with a physician in the hospital on call; or
    3. Registered nurse on duty within the emergency department, with a physician on call from office or home.
  6. 24-Hour Pharmacy if a pharmacy is open, with a State-licensed pharmacist present and on duty, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week and is located within 3 miles of an interchange on the Federal-aid system.
  7. Camping if all of the following are available:
    1. Licensing or approval, where required;
    2. Adequate parking accommodations; and
    3. Modern sanitary facilities and drinking water.

07 For any service that is operated on a seasonal basis only, the General Service signs shall be removed or covered during periods when the service is not available.

08 The General Service signs shall be mounted in an effective location, between the Advance Guide sign and the Exit Direction sign, in advance of the exit leading to the available services.

09 The General Service sign should contain the interchange number, if any, as shown in Figure 2I-3.

10 If the distance to the next point where services are available is greater than 10 miles, a NEXT SERVICES XX MILES (D9-17P) plaque (see Figure 2I-2) may be installed below the Exit Direction sign.

11 Signs for services shall comply with the format for General Service signs (see Section 2I.02) and as provided in this Manual. No more than six general road user services shall be displayed on one sign, which includes any appended supplemental signs or plaques. General Service signs shall carry the legends for one or more of the following services: Food, Gas, Lodging, Camping, Phone, Hospital, 24-Hour Pharmacy, or Tourist Information.

12 The qualified services available shall be displayed at specific locations on the sign.

13 To provide flexibility for the future when the service might become available, the sign space normally reserved for a given service symbol or word shall be left blank when that service is not present.

14 The standard display of word messages should be FOOD and PHONE in that order on the top line, and GAS and LODGING on the second line. If used, HOSPITAL and CAMPING should be on separate lines (see Figure 2I-3).

15 Signing for DIESEL, LP-Gas, or other alternative fuel services may be substituted for any of the general services or appended to such signs. The International Symbol of Accessibility for the Handicapped (D9-6) sign (see Figure 2I-1) may be used for facilities that qualify.

16 When symbols are used for the road user services, they should be displayed as follows:

  1. Six services:
    1. Top row—GAS, FOOD, and LODGING
    2. Bottom row—PHONE, HOSPITAL, and CAMPING
  2. Four services:
    1. Top row—GAS and FOOD
    2. Bottom row—LODGING and PHONE
  3. Three services:
    1. Top row—GAS, FOOD, and LODGING

17 Substitutions of other services for any of the services described in Paragraph 16 may be made by placing the substitution in the lower right (four or six services) or extreme right (three services) portion of the sign. An action message or an interchange number may be used for symbol signs in the same manner as they are used for word message signs. The Diesel Fuel (D9-11) symbol or the LP-Gas (D9-15) symbol may be substituted for the symbol representing fuel or appended to such assemblies. The Tourist Information (D9-10) symbol or the 24-Hour Pharmacy (D9-20 and D9-20aP) symbol may be substituted on any of the configurations provided in Paragraph 16.

18 At rural interchange areas where limited road user services are available and where it is unlikely that additional services will be provided within the near future, a supplemental plaque displaying one to three services (words or symbols) may be appended below a post-mounted interchange guide sign.

19 If more than three services become available at rural interchange areas where limited road user services were anticipated, the appended supplemental plaque described in Paragraph 18 shall be removed and replaced with an independently mounted General Service sign as described in this Section.

20 A separate Telephone Service (D9-1) sign (see Figure 2I-1) may be installed if telephone facilities are located adjacent to the route at places where public telephones would not normally be expected.

21 The Recreational Vehicle Sanitary Station (D9-12) sign (see Figure 2I-1) may be used as needed to indicate the availability of facilities designed for dumping wastes from recreational vehicle holding tanks.

22 In some locations, signs may be used to indicate that services are not available.

23 A separate Truck Parking (D9-16) sign (see Figure 2I-1) may be mounted below the other general road user services to direct truck drivers to designated parking areas.

Section 2I.04 Interstate Oasis Signing

01 An Interstate Oasis is a facility near an Interstate highway that provides products and services to the public, 24-hour access to public restrooms, and parking for automobiles and heavy trucks. Interstate Oasis guide signs inform road users on Interstate highways as to the presence of an Interstate Oasis at an interchange and which businesses have been designated by the State within which they are traveling as having met the eligibility criteria of the Federal Highway Administration's Interstate Oasis policy. The FHWA's policy, which is dated October 18, 2006, and which can be viewed on the MUTCD website at, provides a more detailed definition of an Interstate Oasis and specifies the eligibility criteria for an Interstate Oasis designation in compliance with the requirements of laws enacted by Congress.

02 If a State elects to provide or allow Interstate Oasis signing (see Figure 2I-4), there should be a statewide policy, program, procedures, and criteria for the designation and signing of a facility as an Interstate Oasis that complies with FHWA's policy and with the provisions of this Section.

Figure 2I-4 Examples of Interstate Oasis Signs and Plaques

Thumbnail image of Figure 2I-4

03 States electing to provide or allow Interstate Oasis signing should use the following signing practices on the freeway for any given exit to identify the availability of a designated Interstate Oasis:

  1. If adequate sign spacing allows, a separate Interstate Oasis (D5-12) sign should be installed in an effective location with spacing of at least 800 feet from other adjacent guide signs, including any Specific Service signs. This Interstate Oasis sign should be located upstream from the Advance Guide sign or between the Advance Guide sign and the Exit Direction sign for the exit leading to the Interstate Oasis. The Interstate Oasis sign should have a white legend with a letter height of at least 10 inches and a white border on a blue background and should contain the words INTERSTATE OASIS and the exit number or, for an unnumbered interchange, an action message such as NEXT RIGHT. The names or logos of the businesses designated as Interstate Oases should not be included on this sign.
  2. If the spacing of the other guide signs precludes the use of a separate sign as described in Item A, an INTERSTATE OASIS (D5-12P) supplemental plaque with a letter height of at least 10 inches and with a white legend and border on a blue background should be appended above or below an existing D9-18 series General Service sign for the interchange.

04 If a separate Interstate Oasis (D5-12) sign is installed, an Interstate Oasis sign panel should be incorporated into the design of the sign (see Figure 2I-4).

05 The Interstate Oasis sign panel shall only be used on the separate Interstate Oasis sign where it is accompanied by the words INTERSTATE OASIS and shall not be used independently without the words.

06 If Specific Service signing is provided at the interchange, a business designated as an Interstate Oasis and having a business logo sign panel on the Food and/or Gas Specific Service signs may use the bottom portion of the business logo sign panel to display the word OASIS.

07 If Specific Services signs containing the OASIS legend as a part of the business logo(s) are not used on the ramp and if the Interstate Oasis is not clearly visible and identifiable from the exit ramp, a sign with a white INTERSTATE OASIS legend with a letter height of at least 6 inches and a white border on a blue background shall be provided on the exit ramp to indicate the direction and distance to the Interstate Oasis.

08 If needed, additional trailblazer guide signs shall be used along the crossroad to guide road users to an Interstate Oasis.

Section 2I.05 Rest Area and Other Roadside Area Signs

01 Rest Area signs (see Figure 2I-5) shall have a retroreflective white legend and border on a blue background.

Figure 2I-5 Rest Area and Other Roadside Area Signs

Thumbnail image of Figure 2I-5

02 Signs that include the legend REST AREA shall be used only where parking and restroom facilities are available.

03 A roadside area that does not contain restroom facilities should be signed to indicate the major road user service that is provided. For example, the sign legends for an area with only parking should use the words PARKING AREA instead of REST AREA. The sign legends for an area with only picnic tables and parking should use words such as PICNIC AREA, ROADSIDE TABLE, or ROADSIDE PARK instead of REST AREA.

04 Rest areas that have tourist information and welcome centers should be signed as discussed in Section 2I.08.

05 Scenic area signing should be consistent with that provided for rest areas, except that the legends should use words such as SCENIC AREA, SCENIC VIEW, or SCENIC OVERLOOK instead of REST AREA.

06 If a rest area or other roadside area is provided on a conventional road, a D5-1 and/or D5-1b sign should be installed in advance of the rest area or other roadside area to permit the driver to reduce speed in preparation for leaving the highway. A D5-5 sign (or a D5-2 sign if an exit ramp is provided) should be installed at the turnoff point where the driver needs to leave the highway to access the rest area or other roadside area.

07 If a rest area or other roadside area is provided on a freeway or expressway, a D5-1 sign should be placed 1 mile and/or 2 miles in advance of the rest area.

08 A D5-2 sign shall be placed at the rest area or other roadside area exit gore.

09 A D5-1b sign may be placed between the D5-1 sign and the exit gore on a freeway or expressway. A second D5-1 sign may be used in place of the D5-1b sign with a distance to the nearest 1/2 or 1/4 mile displayed as a fraction rather than a decimal for distances of less than 1 mile.

10 To provide the road user with information on the location of succeeding rest areas, a NEXT REST AREA XX MILES (D5-6) sign (see Figure 2I-5) may be installed independently or as a supplemental sign mounted below one of the REST AREA advance guide signs.

11 All signs on freeways and expressways for rest and other roadside areas shall have letter and numeral sizes that comply with the minimum requirements of Tables 2E-2 through 2E-5. The sizes for General Service signs that have standardized designs shall be as shown in Table 2I-1.

12 If the rest area has facilities for the physically impaired (see Section 2I.02), the International Symbol of Accessibility for the Handicapped (D9-6) sign (see Figure 2I-1) may be placed with or beneath the REST AREA advance guide sign.

13 If telecommunication devices for the deaf (TDD) are available at the rest area, the TDD (D9-21) symbol sign (see Figure 2I-1) may be used to supplement the advance guide signs for the rest area.

14 If wireless Internet services are available at the rest area, the Wi-Fi (D9-22) symbol sign (see Figure 2I-1) may be used to supplement the advance guide signs for the rest area.

Section 2I.06 Brake Check Area Signs (D5-13 and D5-14)

01 If an area has been provided for drivers to check the brakes on their vehicle, a BRAKE CHECK AREA XX MILES (D5-13) sign (see Figure 2I-6) should be installed in advance of the brake check area, and a D5-14 sign (see Figure 2I-6) should be placed at the entrance to the brake check area.

Figure 2I-6 Brake Check Area and Chain Up Area Signs

Thumbnail image of Figure 2I-6

Section 2I.07 Chain-Up Area Signs (D5-15 and D5-16)

01 If an area has been provided for drivers to pull off of the roadway to install chains on their tires, a CHAIN-UP AREA XX MILES (D5-15) sign (see Figure 2I-6) should be installed in advance of the chain-up area, and a D5-16 sign (see Figure 2I-6) should be placed at the entrance to the chain-up area.

Section 2I.08 Tourist Information and Welcome Center Signs

01 Tourist information and welcome centers have been constructed within rest areas on freeways and expressways and are operated by either a State or a private organization. Others have been located within close proximity to these facilities and operated by civic clubs, chambers of commerce, or private enterprise.

02 An excessive number of supplemental sign panels should not be installed with Tourist Information or Welcome Center signs so as not to overload the road user.

03 Tourist Information or Welcome Center signs (see Figure 2I-7) shall have a white legend and border on a blue background. Continuously staffed or unstaffed operation at least 8 hours per day, 7 days per week, shall be required.

Figure 2I-7 Examples of Tourist Information and Welcome Center Signs

Thumbnail image of Figure 2I-7

04 If operated only on a seasonal basis, the Tourist Information or Welcome Center signs shall be removed or covered during the off seasons.

05 For freeway or expressway rest area locations that also serve as tourist information or welcome centers, the following signing criteria should be used:

  1. The locations for tourist information and welcome center Advance Guide, Exit Direction, and Exit Gore signs should meet the General Service signing requirements described in Section 2I.03.
  2. If the signing for the tourist information or welcome center is to be accomplished in conjunction with the initial signing for the rest areas, the message on the Advance Guide (D5-7) sign should be REST AREA, TOURIST INFO CENTER, XX MILES or REST AREA, STATE NAME (optional), WELCOME CENTER XX MILES. On the Exit Direction (D5-8 or D5-11) sign the message should be REST AREA, TOURIST INFO CENTER with a diagonally upward-pointing directional arrow (or NEXT RIGHT), or REST AREA, STATE NAME (optional), WELCOME CENTER with a diagonally upward-pointing directional arrow (or NEXT RIGHT).
  3. If the initial rest area Advance Guide and Exit Direction signing is in place, these signs should include, on supplemental signs, the legend TOURIST INFO CENTER or STATE NAME (optional), WELCOME CENTER.
  4. The Exit Gore sign should contain only the legend REST AREA with the arrow and should not be supplemented with any legend pertaining to the tourist information center or welcome center.

06 An alternative to the supplemental TOURIST INFO CENTER legend is the Tourist Information (D9-10) sign (see Figure 2I-1), which may be appended beneath the REST AREA advance guide sign.

07 The name of the State or local jurisdiction may appear on the Advance Guide and Exit Direction tourist information/welcome center signs if the jurisdiction controls the operation of the tourist information or welcome center and the center meets the operating criteria set forth in this Manual and is consistent with State policies.

08 For tourist information centers that are located off the freeway or expressway facility, additional signing criteria should be as follows:

  1. Each State should adopt a policy establishing the maximum distance that a tourist information center can be located from the interchange in order to be included on official signs.
  2. The location of signing should be in accordance with requirements pertaining to General Service signing (see Section 2I.03).
  3. Signing along the crossroad should be installed to guide the road user from the interchange to the tourist information center and back to the interchange.

09 As an alternative, the Tourist Information (D9-10) sign (see Figure 2I-1) may be appended to the guide signs for the exit that provides access to the tourist information center. As a second alternative, the Tourist Information sign may be combined with General Service signing.

Section 2I.09 Radio Information Signing

01 Radio-Weather Information (D12-1) signs (see Figure 2I-8) may be used in areas where difficult driving conditions commonly result from weather systems. Radio-Traffic Information signs may be used in conjunction with traffic management systems.

Figure 2I-8 Radio, Telephone, and Carpool Information Signs

Thumbnail image of Figure 2I-8

02 Radio-Weather and Radio-Traffic Information signs shall have a white legend and border on a blue background. Only the numerical indication of the radio frequency shall be used to identify a station broadcasting travel-related weather or traffic information. No more than three frequencies shall be displayed on each sign. Only radio stations whose signal will be of value to the road user and who agree to broadcast either of the following two items shall be identified on Radio-Weather and Radio-Traffic Information signs:

  1. Periodic weather warnings at a rate of at least once every 15 minutes during periods of adverse weather; or
  2. Driving condition information (affecting the roadway being traveled) at a rate of at least once every 15 minutes, or when required, during periods of adverse traffic conditions, and when supplied by an official agency having jurisdiction.

03 If a station to be considered operates only on a seasonal basis, its signs shall be removed or covered during the off season.

04 The radio station should have a signal strength to adequately broadcast 70 miles along the route. Signs should be spaced as needed for each direction of travel at distances determined by an engineering study. The stations to be included on the signs should be selected in cooperation with the association(s) representing major broadcasting stations in the area to provide: (1) maximum coverage to all road users on both AM and FM frequencies; and (2) consideration of 24 hours per day, 7 days per week broadcast capability.

05 In roadway rest area locations, a smaller sign using a greater number of radio frequencies, but of the same general design, may be used.

06 Radio-Weather and Radio-Traffic Information signs installed in rest areas shall be positioned such that they are not visible from the main roadway.

07 A Channel 9 Monitored (D12-3) sign (see Figure 2I-8) may be installed as needed. Official public agencies or their designees may be displayed as the monitoring agency on the sign.

08 Only official public agencies or their designee shall be displayed as the monitoring agency on the Channel 9 Monitored sign.

09 An Emergency CALL XX (D12-4) sign (see Figure 2I-8), along with the appropriate number to call, may be used for cellular phone communications.

Section 2I.10 TRAVEL INFO CALL 511 Signs (D12-5 and D12-5a)

01 A TRAVEL INFO CALL 511 (D12-5) sign (see Figure 2I-8) may be installed if a 511 travel information services telephone number is available to road users for obtaining traffic, public transportation, weather, construction, or road condition information.

02 The pictograph of the transportation agency or the travel information service or program that is providing the travel information may be incorporated within the D12-5 sign either above or below the TRAVEL INFO CALL 511 legend.

03 The logo of a commercial entity shall not be incorporated within the TRAVEL INFO CALL 511 sign.

04 The TRAVEL INFO CALL 511 sign shall have a white legend and border on a blue background.

05 If the pictograph of the transportation agency or the travel information service or program is used, the pictograph's maximum height should not exceed two times the letter height used in the legend of the sign.

Section 2I.11 Carpool and Ridesharing Signing

01 In areas having carpool matching services, Carpool Information (D12-2) signs (see Figure 2I-8) may be provided adjacent to highways with preferential lanes or along any other highway.

02 Carpool Information signs may include an Internet domain name or telephone number of more than four characters within the legend.

03 Because this is an information sign related to road user services, the Carpool Information sign should have a white legend and border on a blue background.

04 If a local transit pictograph or carpool symbol is incorporated into the Carpool Information sign, the maximum vertical dimension of the logo or symbol shall not exceed 18 inches.

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